Monday, 28 September 2009


This was the present for my lovely friend Kaz and her new hubby for their wedding present. I had to pull two late nights working until one in the morning, and then one until two in the morning this week. I am totally pooped out!
I was so glad to get it finished in time though and that they got to take it home with them. I was even more happy with her face when she saw it, i knew right away she loved it. (And I really thought i might have to send them home with a frame and then me send on the cross stitch at a later date.)
I really did love it so much the colours are so much more beautiful than in the photo, and i loved it so much myself that i did consider keeping it and maybe making an excuse, but i couldn't do it, and i love her and i knew she would love it.
The thing is i don't think i can ever stitch it again, it really is one of those peices you can only do once. It was such a ball ache so to speak, yes i know i have none but you can imagine the hard work i mean by that saying :P But i will keep the chart just incase in another ten years i forget what a pain in the arse it was to do, kind of like child birth i suppose. ;)


Anonymous said...

I love it, perhaps you can make me one?

Ravenhill said...

How exquisite!!! I just adore it. The colors and the design are absolutely beautiful. What a lucky friend.
~Emily xx

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I love dragonflies.