Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Bring me sunshine.

There was some lovely sun light today in Devon. So i decided to get all my makes out of their little bags, and their big plastic crate. And started to take some pictures.
    I think there is definitely a Little bit country and a little bit rock and roll going on in there, a clash of the egos, meeting in my crafting box. It seems the older i get the less rock chick i am.
So i made a  note to buy more skull fabric A.S.A.P.

And that made me start working on some Valentine ideas, all involving robots. I'm sure when i saw the lack of Metal in this box i decided Robots was what it needed. So i made a pin cushion, and i am now working on a embroidered picture. I will be putting them in my new folksy shop which i am working on now. By getting all new pics, the problem was about ten minutes after i took this picture there was no sun, so all day i have been singing "bring me sunshine" while sewing Robots which shoot love rays. Lets hope tomorrow is less cloudy, or if not the next day, or the next day....

I Never wished you all Luck and love and health for 2012, and i know i am late in saying  it, but i do wish all who reads love, luck and health. May your life be what it is meant to be.

Peace and choc chips
Donna x

1 comment:

Emily said...

Nice lighting in the pictures - hooray for sunshine and good luck in 2012!

Emily x