Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Pin cushion madness.

 Well i did mention i wanted to use up all those scrap fabrics in the last blog post. But I seem to be going a wee bit over board with the pin cushions, i do need to stop at some point, there are multiplying and taking over the house. (i have another 3 since taking the above photo)
I have had some lovely comments on Folksy about them, it's always encouraging to get good feed back about your work. Especially if your like me and tend to be over critical about your work
I think this Magic one is my favourite, well for the moment since i seem to of said that about each one i have made lol. But i just love the vibrant blue on this.

I am busy making my Folksy forum St Davids day/Welsh challenge, you will be glad to know it isn't a pin cushion, ;) but I'm not sure how to finish it, I'm not sure if I should make it into a wall hanging or frame it.

 This picture was taken in December, when i was busy crafting for xmas, it makes me laugh because you can tell were i was sitting even with me out of the picture.
I like to call this my creative semi circle, which i always seem to do when i'm in a creative mood. But then out of the blue this happened...


 A straight line! I have no idea where it came from, and i'm not sure i like it, i liked my semi circle it felt like i was getting a hug from my fabrics :) I wonder how i will work next time, hope fully the fabric hug will be back. 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Love and choc chips
Donna x


Harborough Dad said...

I like the Magic pin cushion too, very pretty. Like the idea of a creative semi-circle - my husband just calls my creative work area, a mess - the cheek!!

Jumbleberries xx

Anonymous said...

I love what you did! I truly wish I was as talented, crafty and creative as you!

Debbie said...

Your pin cushions are fab, I definitely don't have a creative semi-circle, it's more of a splurge!

Debbie x